Your company's payroll - on easy mode.

Remove yourself from payroll and focus on the big picture.
Let a professional manage compensation, benefits, and payroll taxes for your team.

Get Started
Takes less than 1 min.
Tax prep & advisory

Run payroll, on-time, and flawlessly.

Keep your team & tax authorities happy.

"Christian is a godsend when it comes to finance and accounting. My life is simpler with Christian by my side and my business has become infinitely stronger as a result."

Trever Faden
Trever Faden
Software Developer

"Taxes and accounting makes me anxious, but Christian makes them easy to understand. He's literally the best accounting pro I've worked with to date."

Julia Zave
Julia Zave

"Christian delivers consistent nuts and bolts services and adds strategic input to every conversation. He has gone above and beyond to support my business - great to have him on my roster!"

Willie Hartman
Willie Hartman
What you get

Payroll tailored to your company.

Make compensation & benefits a strategic asset.


Automate the payroll cycle, ensuring timely salary disbursements.

Payroll taxes

Worry no more about payroll taxes and whether they're accurate.


Position your company as a premier place to work and keep your team happy.

annual tax filings

How outsourced payroll works.

Run payroll correctly by working with a professional.

Initial payroll review

When onboarding, we'll ensure a seamless payroll process by reviewing your company's payroll infrastructure. This includes:

  • Payroll software setup & migration.
  • Employer tax account registration.
  • Third-party software integrations.
  • Benefits and pay category setup.

Ongoing pay & benefits

With a solid infrastructure in place, we'll set up a recurring payroll process that pays employees on time every time. This includes:

  • Unlimited pay runs.
  • Employee expense reimbursements.
  • New employee setup & onboarding.
  • Payroll journal entry in the accounting software.

Payroll tax filings

We'll keep your company compliant with the IRS and state tax authorities through various employer tax filings. This includes:

  • Periodic state & federal tax filings (940, 941, SUI, etc.)
  • Annual employee W-2 & contractor 1099 filings.
  • Year-end review & reconciliation to the accounting software.
  • Prior pay run corrections.

Proud Gusto partner.

Gusto is a payroll software that simplifies payroll through an easy-to-use interface and excellent customer service. If you're already using Gusto, we'll review your setup to ensure it's correct. If you're not using Gusto, we'll help you transition over.

Tax & Financial advisory

Attract & retain talent with a comprehensive benefits plan.

Build an all-star team by positioning your company as the premier employer in your line of work.

401ks, SEP-IRAs, & Simple IRAs

Give your team retirement peace-of-mind by offering tax-advantaged savings plans and matching employer contributions.

Medical, dental, & vision insurance

Help employees maintain their health with less financial stress through pre-tax medical insurance.

HSA & FSA contributions

Help employees save for future medical expenses by contributing to their Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts.

Home office reimbursements

Reimburse home office costs to employees who work remotely without creating unanticipated tax liabilities.

Cell phone reimbursements

Provide employee with tax-free reimbursements of their monthly cell phone bill to enable remote work.

Dependent care benefits

Offset your employees' childcare costs, helping them stay focused and less stressed at work.

Ready to get started?

It takes less than a minute to start.

Made in Virginia